Amity Coaching: A Little Backstory

Hi! Welcome to the Amity Coaching blog. I’m Kennesha - the coach behind Amity Coaching. I appreciate you taking the time to visit me! 

I’ve decided to keep this blog casual and unpolished because that is really who I am. This will be a place where you can get to know me better, get in my head a little. I’ll talk about my journey and the Enneagram. I may occasionally step on a soap box or two, but I promise to make that rare and brief.

Amity Coaching, my Life and Enneagram Coaching practice, was born out of a lifetime of wondering what my contribution to the world could be. It is born out of many years of taking baby steps to grow as a person, falling and failing a lot, and getting back up to take more steps forward. It is born out of relational struggles and frustrations and many beautiful healing moments. It is born out of feeling stuck and misunderstood and finally finding clarity and freedom - and wanting to share that with others. 

Several years ago, thanks to dear friends, I was introduced to the Enneagram. It happened at a time when I felt truly stuck. I had moved out of state with my young family including a newborn, and had found that while my life had more freedom, flexibility, and space than I had ever experienced, I was paralyze by relational and internal anxiety. As the noise in my life quieted, the noise in my head became unbearable and the tools I had always used to silence my overactive mind just did not cut it anymore. More about this time in my life will be weaved into future posts, but it is sufficient to say that the Enneagram became the key to understanding why I so frequently felt stuck in my life and a path for changing and growing. The new understanding lead to a transformation in my marriage, my faith practice, and basically every other aspect of my life. It has been the single most influential tool I have used and I am not alone in those sentiments.

Ian Cron, the well known enneagram teacher always says “the Enneagram doesn't put you in a box. It shows you the box you're already in and how to get out of it.” This rings so true for my experience. It was the launching pad for so much growth and development in my personal life and family. The enneagram provided me a framework for understanding not just what I do but why I do it and gave me a roadmap for change. 

I’ve spent the last few years doing a deep dive into the system, learning the types, applying it to my own life and supporting those in my life to do the same. I have been experiencing moments of true clarity and breakthroughs in areas that I was sure could never change and watching others do the same. Finally, I was certified to coach because it is too special a gift to keep to myself. 

I am so excited to invite you on this journey with me. I am even more excited to join you on your journey if coaching is right for you. 

If you’re new to enneagram and want to learn more, I can recommend some resources to get you started:

The Enneagram Institute has wonderful write ups about each Enneagram type and how the system work.

A book that I cannot recommend highly enough is Enneagram teacher Ian Michael Cron’s book The Road Back to You. This was the first book I read about the Enneagram and helped me to discover my type (type 6). It is simple to understand but in depth enough to potentially leave with a good idea of your type.

My hope for Amity Coaching is that it will be a place where others can experience healing, and freedom.  I’m excited to watch my clients conquer fears and rewrite stories. I am excited to see the ripple effects in friendships, marriages, families, organizations, and communities for years to come.

May amity fill your life.



Marking Time