Marking Time
Kennesha Rodgers Kennesha Rodgers

Marking Time

As I look back at the last two months of 2022, I accept that they were exactly what they needed to be. Not perfect, but filled with opportunities to learn, to grow, to practice getting back up after being knocked down.

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Amity Coaching: A Little Backstory
Kennesha Rodgers Kennesha Rodgers

Amity Coaching: A Little Backstory

Hi! Welcome to the Amity Coaching blog. I’m Kennesha - the coach behind Amity Coaching. I appreciate you taking the time to visit me!

I’ve decided to keep this blog casual and unpolished because that is really who I am. This will be a place where you can get to know me better, get in my head a little. I’ll talk about my journey and the Enneagram. I may occasionally step on a soap box or two, but I promise to make that rare and brief.

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