The Enneagram

More than just another personality test, the Ennegram is a mirror that reflects the common struggles we face as humans. To make sense of our world, we develop stories. This begins when we are young children and continues throughout our lives. These stories serve an important purpose: they give context to our experiences and help us navigate the future with more certainty and assurance. The problem is, they also limit us. Our stories trap us into narratives that may have served us as children but no longer benefit us as adults. They begin to filter what we see so that we develop blind spots that restrict our ability to function as whole beings.

Using the Ennegram’s framework, 9 types develop, each with their own story, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and beautiful gifts to the world.

Type 1: The Reformer

Type 2: The Helper

Type 3: The Achiever

Type 4: The Individualist

Type 5: The Investigator

Type 6: The Loyalist

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Type 8: The Challenger

Type 9: The Peacemaker

We all likely function within the story of one of the 9 types. The Ennegram is the basis of the coaching methodology at Amity Coaching and is the starting place of our work. Using the Ennegram framework, we will dissect how your story is impacting your life and your relationships and together begin exploring your unique path toward fuller vision and wholeness.

To learn more about the Enneagram, I recommend The Enneagram Institute as a starting place. There you can learn about each type and how they function in the world.